Adinda Prawityasari Kusubandio
KAPETA Foundation, Indonesia
Adinda currently worked at KAPETA Foundation as one of the board member. She holds an ICAP II (International Certified Addiction Professionals level II) and Recovery Coach credential from ICCE Colombo Plan, now also set her interest and goal in Prevention. Adinda is pursuing her degree in Public Relation during the weekend and are involved part time as an in-depth interviewer for HIV Prevention Trials Network (HPTN 074) at Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital. She is one of Indonesia’s national trainer for Universal Treatment Curriculum and are one of the developer of Family Empowerment for Substance Abuse Prevention module for Indonesia’s Ministry of Health. Her passion for Substance Abuse come from personal experience and is determine to continue broadening her knowledge and skills in Substance use treatment and prevention to help others in need.
Abstract : Substance Use Prevention through Media